Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sick Baby Boy

First of all, shout out to my brother James because yesterday was his 25th birthday! He works on a ranch hours from where we live, but got to come into town so we could celebrate! Looking forward to when he lives closer!

This picture is of my brother, Mom and sister from Easter 2012.

Jacob hasn't been feeling 100%. He's got a super snotty nose and a cough. Two nights ago, we were up every 2 hours. It was exhausting to say the least. Grandma saved the day, though, and kept Jacob so I could rest. He didn't nap and hardly ate. Last night, I was expecting the worst! However, he slept from 8 until 3:40 and then until 7. Hoping he gets to feeling better! Today is his first Halloween and he is supposed to be a skunk! Pictures will definitely be coming!

PS: Did you know I have another blog? I wanted to separate projects from personal life and so this blog is all about what's going on in the life of the Johnson family. The project blog, called a Neverending List (because I ALWAYS have a project I want to be doing) can be found here!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Baby Food Strike

For the last couple of weeks, Jacob has been on a baby food strike. I thought at first it was because he was teething and didn't feel good and then he got all congested. However, on Sunday, he went to my Mom's house and ate an entire large packet of baby food. Hmmm....

I've tried feeding him baby food multiple times this week and he'll eat about a tablespoon before he begins waving his hands (sometimes flinging baby food everywhere) and whining. I've thrown away at least 5 packets of baby food in the last couple of weeks because he won't finish them all in the allotted 24 hour time period after opening. I don't know what it is about ME feeding him the food- the only thing I can think is that he prefers breast milk, which is why he would eat for other people and not me. The other issue, maybe, is that because he hasn't been eating baby food during the day he also hasn't been sleeping well at night. It's like we've reverted back to a newborn schedule of eating every 3 hours during the day and every 4-5 hours at night. Exhausting.

Two nights ago, he ate an entire Gerber plastic container of food for Jim and last night he ate another one while we were out for dinner. Jim's parents stopped by at the restaurant we were at to see him and they fed him while we ate. I got some more of the Gerber plastic containers of food because they keep for up to 3 days after opening. I know that means they have more preservatives in them, but we aren't in a place to be throwing money in the trash! I guess I'm going to go back to square one and feed him breakfast, lunch and dinner and see how it goes. Not sure what else to do! Anyone else have this kind of problem?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A New Season, A New Space

I used to blog here- (<-- That's a link!) but, I needed more separation from the daily happenings of life that only some people care about (mainly family and friends) and the projects I wanted to share. I had 360 posts and I didn't want to just move them over without editing them and reorganizing them on this new space.

For instance, I homeschooled my five youngest siblings for one school year. I'm no longer doing that, but it's not something I want to delete from the internet. Also, for 8 months, I've been blogging about my baby boy and I want those to make the move seamlessly so that I can continue sharing about his life and remembering things!

The other big thing is that I'm making the move from Wordpress to Blogger. I have my whole life on google, (okay, maybe not my whole life, but email, documents on google drive, blog subscriptions, etc.) so it just makes sense to also blog here. They've made lots of improvements since I blogged here in high school!

I won't be deleting the old space because everything won't be making the move. Lots of things have changed since I started blogging over there (like the homeschooling thing), and this is a new space for the new season. I've got new priorities, a new schedule, and a new son!