Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A New Season, A New Space

I used to blog here- (<-- That's a link!) but, I needed more separation from the daily happenings of life that only some people care about (mainly family and friends) and the projects I wanted to share. I had 360 posts and I didn't want to just move them over without editing them and reorganizing them on this new space.

For instance, I homeschooled my five youngest siblings for one school year. I'm no longer doing that, but it's not something I want to delete from the internet. Also, for 8 months, I've been blogging about my baby boy and I want those to make the move seamlessly so that I can continue sharing about his life and remembering things!

The other big thing is that I'm making the move from Wordpress to Blogger. I have my whole life on google, (okay, maybe not my whole life, but email, documents on google drive, blog subscriptions, etc.) so it just makes sense to also blog here. They've made lots of improvements since I blogged here in high school!

I won't be deleting the old space because everything won't be making the move. Lots of things have changed since I started blogging over there (like the homeschooling thing), and this is a new space for the new season. I've got new priorities, a new schedule, and a new son!

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