Monday, May 6, 2013

New Seasons + Monday Night Random List

It's been decided that I'll be transitioning from part time in the home work to a full time outside the home job. I, of course, have mixed feelings about it. I love spending time at home with Jacob, but we honestly aren't on a "stay at home" schedule. I love being able to help my Mom, but she won't be needing me for much longer. I'm not going to go into much more detail, because I'm sure I'll leave something out and then sound ungrateful or like work at home or work out of the home mom's have it better or worse. My thoughts on staying at home are much like my thoughts on breastfeeding: to each her own. For some the decision is clear and easy; for others its more complicated and more difficult. I am not the one to judge whether you are doing what's right or wrong. God gave you to specifically be your child's parents and provides you with the wisdom to parent that child. (Credit to Candis for that piece of wisdom)

I've applied for 5 jobs and already been turned down by 2 and 1 was filled before I could submit my application. I am not at all worried about this- just waiting to see what door(s) open. 

A few more random things for your Monday night:
  • I did a painting class tonight at my church. It was super fun! 
  • Jacob has slept in until at least 8:30 am the last two mornings and I've slept right along with him. I'm going to set my alarm in the morning to get up and actually make good use of that time which means I'm pretty much guaranteeing that Jacob will wake up early. 
  • Jacob goes for his 15 month check up tomorrow
  • My dogs have killed two birds this week. 

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