Thursday, March 7, 2013

There's Always Hot Pockets

When Jim and I first bought our home, and got cable, I started watching a LOT of HGTV for inspiration. However, it seemed to contribute more to my discontentment than to the cuteness of my house so I had to stop watching. You can ask my husband if you don't believe me- it was pretty ridiculous and all completely the fault of me.

When I went on bed rest, I started watching Food Network. I don't really remember what turned me on to the channel but so began my love for all things Food Network. It was really odd considering I was probably the worst cook around. I come from a line of great cooks, but somehow the genes skipped over me. I once rebaked cookies thinking that it was a broccoli cheese casserole. The whole cooking thing really scared me.

Jim was the cook in our home until a few months ago, really. He was good at it and wasn't afraid to mess up. I couldn't bear the thought of failure, so I just stuck to baking (an exact science, something that fits for me) and left the meal prep to him.

I started cooking more once Jim went back to work after having Jacob. I wanted the break in the evenings and Jim wanted bonding time with Jacob. I started out with easy recipes that I had seen JIm make over and over and slowly branched out.

So, thanks to Jacob and Food Network, I've become more confident in my chef skills. We have good knives, a new cutting board, new pots and pans, and lots of new cook books. I'm eager to try new ingredients and new cooking methods. Thanks to the cooking shows, I've seen how things can and are prepared and I'm not afraid to try it out- because guess what? Jim pretty much eats anything, and if it's so bad he won't, there's always Hot Pockets.

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