Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Apartment Life + Nap Schedules + Run for Boston

We've lived in our apartment for a week and a half now, and we're completely settled in. I was set on getting things unpacked and placed as quickly as possible. My home may not always be clean or in perfect order, but if it's chaotic for more than one day, it affects me in big ways. My productivity slumps, my mood changes, I am more "on-edge" and start being critical. Sure, there are some things I may want to change and projects I want to do, but everything as it is now is functional and mostly organized.

I'm not sure if it is all in my head or a reality for now, but I feel like I can clean the apartment and be done. When I cleaned my house, I felt like I was never done. There was always something I needed to do. Maybe it's having less space and less stuff. I have no scientific findings, but I like that I can shower, read, and clean up the apartment (using the schedule from Clean Mama) all during morning nap.

Speaking of naps, that may all be changing. Yesterday, I had to take my little brother to therapy at 11. I knew if Jacob went down at his normal time (9:30) I would have to cut his nap off. The past week he has really only taken one nap most days. A few days I put him down in the afternoon because he was acting tired, and he laid in his bed and played and talked for almost two hours. I decided yesterday to try to hold him off until after the rehab appointment and it was a success! I kept him busy and he went down at noon and slept until almost 3. Glorious.

If we are making the transition to one nap, that means I've got to get up earlier than he is to get my stuff done! Man...I hate alarms.

We are in a moderate risk for severe (even tornadoes! ahh!) weather today so I'll be keeping a weather eye out, praying for the rain we desperately need, and for safety from severe weather. I'll also be running later on, whether it be outside or at the YMCA for Boston. You should do the same today, too!

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way in a chaotic home! and I will be running for Boston somewhere today too!
