Monday, April 1, 2013

Jacob :: 14 Months

Jacob turned 14 months old today! This has been a big month as far as milestones go. We are completely done with nursing (I came down with mastitis right around the 13 month mark which expedited things). It took a week after quitting cold turkey to feel "normal" again and there hasn't been much of an issue since.

Jim took over bedtime routine at that time because it was frustrating for me to handle Jacob when he wanted to nurse but couldn't. He now gets a bath, a warm sippy cup of milk, and a song in the rocking chair. He stays asleep (or cries, but stays in his bed) until 6:30, but sometimes 7 or 7:30. I handle morning times so that Jim can focus on his things and getting ready for work. I do mine in the evening. It's the first time we've really had a pretty solid routine and it's working for us for now. He is still napping twice a day, once for 2+ hours and another time for 90 minutes. That doesn't happen every day, but most of them.

We are almost completely done with baby food. He much prefers table food at this point and especially loves Lil Crunchies. We usually give him those while we finish up eating. I spent a lot of time feeling like he was behind in things and wondering if it was something we weren't doing or were doing that were keeping him from eating them. I'm so glad I didn't force it on him because the transition was so easy. We occasionally would give him something to try and see how it went. Suddenly, one day, he did okay with it. And since then, we can't keep food on the tray fast enough for him to eat.

The diaper rash almost went away with the seventh generation diapers. So, we tried stripping our cloth diapers and wearing them again and it's back. Onto the next thing...

His love for cars is growing and he can almost say "car" as they drive by. He also actively waves at everything coming or going. A few spanks with the spanking spoon was helpful for now; he seems to respond more obediently to a "no." I know that probably won't be forever, but for now, I'm enjoying it.

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