Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What I Did Last Night

Last night, I did something that I haven't done in a long time. It's probably been more than a year, yeah that long. I walked out my front door wearing running shorts, a t-shirt, and my saucony shoes, John Mayer's latest album turned up in my ears (so I can't hear myself breathing hard) and my Map my Run app going and decided I was going to run a mile without stopping. And I did it! The adrenaline wore off and then I was sad because I used to run miles and play soccer for 45 minutes at a time and now I'm excited about running a mile. I'm getting old. I know that people run miles at a time much faster than me (speaking of runners- prayers for those affected by the Boston Bombings) and they are going "big whoop, Sarah." But, I did it and I'm proud of myself for not walking or stopping (because I definitely wanted to when I looked down and saw I had only gone .51 miles!)

The only bad thing about this run was that I did it after we got Jacob down for bed. I got back around 9 and I was NOT tired. So what did Jim and I do? Responsible adult things? No. We watched 3 or 4 episodes of Downton Abbey. We finished season 1 and started season 2. Didn't go to bed until 1 am and we are paying for it today. I know we're super behind, but it's an awesome show. Can't wait to watch another episode tonight. It's killing me not to turn on the PS3 to watch another while Jim is at work.

1 comment:

  1. It's killing me not to turn on the PS3 to watch another while Jim is at work.

    My wife does this to me and then I get behind and never catch up. Don't television cheat on your husband.
